
What is ScoutReach

ScoutReach gives special leadership and emphasis to urban and rural Scouting programs. ScoutReach is Scouting America’s commitment to making sure that all young people have an opportunity to join Scouting, regardless of their circumstances, neighborhood, or ethnic background. 

Today, young people are faced with many challenges as they often face fragile families and disintegrating neighborhoods. ScoutReach meets the developmental needs of youth in urban settings and the housing developments. The program also focuses on the U.S. rural population, which constitutes approximately 25 percent of the total U.S. population. Some rural communities are stable and growing, whereas others are characterized by decentralized, low-density populations and/or poverty.

Scouting, by emphasizing ethics and moral values, addresses many of the social concerns of parents and youth in our country. Scouting prepares urban and rural youth to be leaders, to accept responsibility, and to care about principles and causes beyond their own self-interest.

Our biggest asset in urban and rural neighborhoods is a well-defined program based on values, learning-by-doing, fun, and positive role models. 

Photo of two youth holding snack boxes and cereal boxes. There is a pallet of food behind them and they are smiling for the camera.

Our ScoutReach Mission

To recruit strong adult leaders and to develop solid relationships with chartered organizations in urban and rural communities nationwide to ensure that culturally diverse youth have the opportunity to join the Scouting program. 

We are always looking for volunteers to help serve our youth that can most benefit from the Scouting program. To volunteer, send us an email here. If you wish to donate to Scoutreach either through gifts in kind (program supplies, uniforms, equipment, etc.) or through traditional giving, please contact our Development Team here.

Photo of a youth wearing a hairnet, smiling and holding a box. There are adults in the background gathered around a metal table.

ScoutReach Recognition

Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award

This national award is used by Councils to recognize outstanding service by an adult individual or by an organization in the development of Scouting for rural or low-income urban youth. Sometimes this award helps councils recognize “unsung heroes”—people who might not otherwise receive recognition for exceptional service to disadvantaged youth

The Spirit of Scouting Award

The Spirit of Scouting Award is designed for presentation to a noteworthy individual who has performed exceptional and unusual service to young people in urban and rural America over a long period. The award is presented to individuals at the unit level and to people of all races and income levels.

Scouting—Vale la Pena Service Award

The Scouting—Vale la Pena Service Award is used by councils to recognize Scouting volunteers, community leaders, or corporations that have had a positive impact in the service of Hispanic American/Latino youth in urban and rural communities.

Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award

The Asian American Spirit of Scouting Service Award is used by councils to recognize Scouting volunteers, community leaders, or corporations that have had a positive impact in the service of Asian American youth in urban and rural communities.